If your doctor has recommended an MRI, you should take time to learn how to prepare for it. Although MRI scans are extremely safe, there are some things that everyone should do to prepare for it before attending their appointment. These tips can help ensure that you will be well-prepared for your MRI.
How to Prepare for an MRI Scan
The most important thing to do when preparing for an MRI scan is to tell the radiology team about any medical conditions you have that could affect you during the scan. Radiologists can make adjustments to accommodate certain medical conditions.
For example, people that have a pacemaker should inform the radiology team and tell them what type of pacemaker they have. It’s important to do this because some pacemakers can be damaged by an MRI machine.
Shrapnel, bullet wounds, and artificial heart valves can also cause complications when having an MRI scan. Likewise, if you have had any kidney problems or diabetes, you’ll need to tell the team before having an MRI.
Also, be sure to bring a list of the medications that you’re currently taking and leave your jewelry at home. You won’t be able to wear any jewelry during the scan because the magnetism of the machine is so powerful, it can pull, any jewelry you have towards the magnet. The force of the magnet can cause an injury if you’re wearing earrings or a belly button ring.
Call Precision MRI Group Today and Make an Appointment
Now that you know more about how to prepare for an MRI scan, it’s time to schedule your appointment with Precision MRI Group. Our team of dedicated professionals will take excellent care of you during your scan. Here at Precision MRI Group, we do everything we can to ensure a pleasant experience.
Have questions? Reach out to Precision MRI Group today!